June 12, 2024

I had an important clinic visit today during which I needed to take off my mask. I haven’t taken my mask off in front of people ever since the pandemic started. I was worried about this for weeks and prayed to God asking that it go safely and that my test results be good.

It went more than perfectly. We were not late, despite heavier traffic than expected. Even though it was a hospital, we were very protected, even in the elevator. The actual exam, during which I needed to take my mask off, went super safely and smoothly, so I was neither stressed during nor after the test. It also ended much more quickly than expected, so we had a nice lunch at a scenic park and picked up a delicious dinner while we were at it. Importantly, I think my test results turned out well.

God made every single detail go perfectly. I am so grateful and utterly unworthy. I am a wretched sinner and unworthy of all His blessings that He showers me with. I am so grateful. He is so merciful and kind. Thanks be to God!

I am also grateful to Our Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercessions.

June 9, 2024

I had a very pleasant lunch in the backyard with my parents and dog. The weather was superb. I am grateful to God for this.

God keeps helping me repent of a sin. Even though it’s something that I should already be doing, He still helps me. I am so grateful and not worthy.

December 30, 2023

I met my friend, and we had a splendid time. We went to a park, and I was worried it would be crowded, but it was surprisingly empty where we were, which was nice. It was also raining during the drive there, which was worrisome, but by the time we arrived the weather was beautiful. I am so grateful to God for this.

Afterwards, my mom and I had a wonderful lunch. We realized that we were near a bakery we had been waiting to go to, so we went there as well. I am grateful to God for this.

August 18, 2023

So many great things happened today, all thanks to God. First, I went to church again today and again felt so safe and joyful. Then, I went to have lunch with my mom, and the food was surprisingly amazing! Meanwhile, I got an email saying I passed an important exam. Finally, after we got home, during dinner, my dog suddenly started whimpering severely. She then started limping, and I was so scared she was badly hurt (she is fifteen years old). But she got better in one minute. I had prayed briefly to God for this, and I am so grateful to God for answering my prayers. I am so grateful to God for this amazing day.

July 26, 2023

It was my dad’s birthday, so we went out. We were at first hesitant to go to the city, because there wasn’t much we wanted to do. We decided to go anyway. We had a surprisingly good time! Lunch was yummier than expected, we went to a landmark Episcopal church that was beautiful, visited another landmark, and stumbled upon a pretty park. Through all this, we were protected from germs, which I had prayed to God about. I am so grateful to God for answering my prayers and for this fun outing.

I was worried that I had accidentally bought a present for my dad that he already had, but thankfully he doesn’t have it. The birthday cake was also very yummy. I am very grateful to God for this.

July 9, 2023

I met two college friends in San Francisco today, and everything worked out perfectly. I had a delicious lunch before meeting them. They were also running a bit late, which allowed me to have more time to eat lunch. I also had so much fun with them and felt safe. I am so grateful to God for this nice time.

I received amazing and clear guidance from God not once, but twice today, both in regards to today’s Mass readings. They truly helped me to repent. I am not worthy of God helping me be saved. I am so grateful to God for His guidance and for not giving up on me.

May 19, 2021

It’s the middle of May, but the weather was pretty cool today. My mom and I had a barbecue on the porch today. It was really nice! The food was yummy, and the weather was really pleasant. I’m grateful to God for helping us spend this good time together.

It’s been around a week and a half since I finished classes, and most of the time since then I have been resting and doing my hobbies, because I wanted to take a break before starting graduate school. I did some work I have to do by next Monday today, and at first I was not motivated to do so. Once I started it, I got a bit into it, so I was productive today. I am grateful to God for giving me the motivation to be productive.