June 14, 2024

I had a clinic visit during which I needed to meet quite a few people. I was worried about this and prayed to God for a couple of weeks, also asking for intercessions from Our Blessed Virgin Mary. It went very safely and pretty quickly! Moreover, one main thing to discuss during the visit was the results of my medical exam. I had been worried about this for more than a year, I think, and had been praying about it. The doctor says it looks pretty good! I am so grateful to God for answering my prayers. I am not worthy. I am also grateful to Our Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercessions.

June 12, 2024

I had an important clinic visit today during which I needed to take off my mask. I haven’t taken my mask off in front of people ever since the pandemic started. I was worried about this for weeks and prayed to God asking that it go safely and that my test results be good.

It went more than perfectly. We were not late, despite heavier traffic than expected. Even though it was a hospital, we were very protected, even in the elevator. The actual exam, during which I needed to take my mask off, went super safely and smoothly, so I was neither stressed during nor after the test. It also ended much more quickly than expected, so we had a nice lunch at a scenic park and picked up a delicious dinner while we were at it. Importantly, I think my test results turned out well.

God made every single detail go perfectly. I am so grateful and utterly unworthy. I am a wretched sinner and unworthy of all His blessings that He showers me with. I am so grateful. He is so merciful and kind. Thanks be to God!

I am also grateful to Our Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercessions.

December 31, 2020

It is the end of 2020! This year has been difficult and trying, but I am grateful to God for all of His blessings to me and my family.

Firstly, I am grateful to God for protecting and blessing my family during this pandemic. It has been an extraordinarily difficult time for many people, but my family has been doing well. We were even protected throughout the wildfires and political turmoil. I am so grateful to God for protecting and blessing my family during these trying times.

Secondly, I am grateful to God for helping me with my health. I recently started a new oral medication. It’s amazing that such a medication came out during my lifetime, and it is also great that I started receiving it soon after it was released publicly. I prayed to God asking that I may receive it quickly, and I am so grateful for this amazing blessing. I don’t even have noticeable side effects so far!

I am also grateful to God for helping me with my applications. I was stressed out because of my applications, since I’m graduating next semester, but they went well. I’m grateful to God for blessing me with an easy application process and good news.

I am so grateful to God for all of His infinite blessings and mercy. I am not worthy. Thanks be to God!

December 16, 2020

I took my first dose of my new medication today. I think that it’s a miracle to have such an oral medication like this in my lifetime for such a rare disease. I’m so grateful to God for His infinite mercy and gifts. He is so good!

What’s more, I was afraid it would be yummy, but it was very okay! I’m so grateful to God for even making it taste ok!

November 18, 2020

I got incredible news today. My insurance company approved my new drug! I seriously doubted that this would happen, especially since they had a requirement that would be difficult to do during this pandemic. This morning, I got an unexpected car that it was suddenly approved! I am so, so, so grateful to God for this. It is a huge relief and a great opportunity. I am not expressing adequately my gratefulness to God. I thank God for answering my prayers and for giving me this great treatment within my lifetime. I also thank Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Angela Merici, Saint Raphael, and Saint Alphonsus de Liguori for their intercessions. Thanks be to God for His infinite mercy!

October 27, 2020

I got quite a bit of work done today! I’m grateful to God for giving me this productive day. I’m a bit less stressed!

I got an update regarding my medication. It’s not good news, nor is it very bad news, but I’m grateful to God for this update. I was curious as to how it was going.

October 6, 2020

I received incredible news today. I was waiting for my insurance to approve a new medication, and I’ve been praying for its approval. I heard today that I will very probably be able to receive it. This is amazing! When I was born, there were no medications for my condition, and now there are not only several, but there is also an oral version, which is the one that I may be able to take. This is incredible! I thank God so much for His unbelievable mercy and gifts. I am not worthy for His blessings. He is so good! I also thank the Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercessions.