June 12, 2024

I had an important clinic visit today during which I needed to take off my mask. I haven’t taken my mask off in front of people ever since the pandemic started. I was worried about this for weeks and prayed to God asking that it go safely and that my test results be good.

It went more than perfectly. We were not late, despite heavier traffic than expected. Even though it was a hospital, we were very protected, even in the elevator. The actual exam, during which I needed to take my mask off, went super safely and smoothly, so I was neither stressed during nor after the test. It also ended much more quickly than expected, so we had a nice lunch at a scenic park and picked up a delicious dinner while we were at it. Importantly, I think my test results turned out well.

God made every single detail go perfectly. I am so grateful and utterly unworthy. I am a wretched sinner and unworthy of all His blessings that He showers me with. I am so grateful. He is so merciful and kind. Thanks be to God!

I am also grateful to Our Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercessions.

March 25, 2024

I went to confession, which went really well. I was able to do it safe from germs as well. I am so grateful to God for helping me make a good and thorough confession safely. I am not worthy of His forgiveness. I am so grateful.

My mom and I went to the city and had a great meal. We then bought desserts and went to a park. I am grateful to God for this fun day.

December 30, 2023

I met my friend, and we had a splendid time. We went to a park, and I was worried it would be crowded, but it was surprisingly empty where we were, which was nice. It was also raining during the drive there, which was worrisome, but by the time we arrived the weather was beautiful. I am so grateful to God for this.

Afterwards, my mom and I had a wonderful lunch. We realized that we were near a bakery we had been waiting to go to, so we went there as well. I am grateful to God for this.

June 30, 2023

I had a fun-packed day today with my parents today. We went to a museum, a park, and bought snacks. I am grateful to God for making everything go well and for protecting us.

I suddenly remembered a goal of mine in the faith that I had forgotten for years. I was straying from the path, and I’m so grateful to God for bringing me back. I am a wretched and unworthy sinner.

March 27, 2023

I went to the park with my mom to see cherry blossoms. I was worried that there wouldn’t be a lot because of a recent storm, but there were plenty, and the weather was beautiful! I am so grateful to God for this wonderful outing.

Even though I went out, I got quite a bit of work done. I had been stressed about this and am grateful to God for helping me with work.

I was worried recently that my phone had been hacked, and I had been praying to God about it and asking the saints for their intercessions. I was told today that it’s not hacked. I am so grateful to God for answering my prayers.

I committed a terrible sin and refused to repent. I am a wretched sinner. God still guided me and mercifully helped me to repent. I am so grateful and not worthy of His mercy and love.

March 6, 2023

I had been planning with my mom to go to the park today, so we went. Almost as soon as we arrived, it started to drizzle! I was really disappointed and worried, but then, almost as soon as we got out of the car, it stopped raining! I am so grateful to God about this.

We went to the park to see the cherry blossoms, but when we arrived, we saw that most the trees were not in bloom. This was disappointing. However, we saw a few trees that were in bloom as well as camellias and magnolias. I am so grateful to God for making everything work out well. I had a good time!

July 13, 2022

We went to a park today, but we realized that we had left the stove on! Thankfully, someone came and turned it off. I am so grateful to God for resolving that well.

The drive today was a bit scary. I prayed to God asking for His protection. We arrived safely! I am grateful to God for answering my prayers.

October 12, 2021

We visited a national park today. It was beautiful! Also, the drive to and from there was a bit scary, since it was on a cliff with no railing, so I prayed to God asking for our safety, and we had a safe trip! I am grateful to God for this great trip and for answering my prayer.

One of my projects is going very well. I am grateful to God for these good results.

January 2, 2020

Today, I went to Joshua Tree with my parents. The scenery was beautiful and unique. I was reminded of God’s awesomeness from this exhibit of nature, for which I am grateful. I am but a grain of sand, and yet He loves us so much.

I am also thankful to God for His protection, as we had a safe car ride and also pleasant family interactions. I was slightly concerned about the safety of our car ride, so I prayed asking Him for His protection, and I believe that He answered my prayers, for which I am so grateful.