June 25, 2024

I committed a sin and repented wholly, with my heart and mind. I usually have to reason my way into convincing myself that what I’ve done was wrong, and then I sometimes still feel indignation or reservation. But this time I felt emotionally that what I did was wrong, not just in a fearful way, but I could feel myself wanting to do the right thing. I am so grateful to God for making me fully repent. He saved me in my wretched sin from my wretched sin. I am so grateful and not worthy.

My work went really well. The results of a study I ran went well, and I made good progress on a task so I don’t need to work on it for a while. I’m grateful to God for this.

June 18, 2024

I found it easy to control my tongue. I am grateful to God for saving me from my sinful self.

A trailer for a video game series I like was released today, and it looks really fun! And it’s going to surprisingly be released in only a few months! I am grateful to God for this.

June 13, 2024

God again gave me perfect guidance about my sins without giving up on me, even though I’m a wretched sinner. I could feel myself repent. I am so grateful to God for not giving up on me even though I actively choose to sin, despite Him showering me with blessings. I am not worthy.

June 9, 2024

I had a very pleasant lunch in the backyard with my parents and dog. The weather was superb. I am grateful to God for this.

God keeps helping me repent of a sin. Even though it’s something that I should already be doing, He still helps me. I am so grateful and not worthy.

June 5, 2024

I got all the work I needed to get done despite a slow start. I’m grateful to God for this.

God gave me perfect guidance regarding how to overcome a recurring sin. I am so grateful to God for this perfect guidance. I am a wretched sinner and not worthy.

May 29, 2024

I was indulging in sinful thoughts, but immediately after, God gave me the most perfect guidance during my Bible meditation session. I am so grateful to God for saving me from my sinful self. I am not worthy.

I got a finicky work task done well, and I also finished another task I had been putting off. I am grateful to God for this.

May 27, 2024

In the early morning, while still in bed, I suddenly felt very down and mad. I prayed to God to help me not give in to sin. I was worried that my bad mood would spill over to make me sin, but throughout the whole day my mood was pretty fine, I was not tempted, and I did not lash out against others. I am so grateful to God for answering my prayers and for saving me from my sinful self. I am not worthy.